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07/07/24 Alchemy of the Heart ~ Energy Clearing and Purification

LIVE: Sunday July 7th ~ 4-5:30pm EDT (GMT-4)

INSTANT REPLAY: available immediately after the livestream for you to enjoy as many times as you like through July 20th.

The heart center holds the key to the integration of the higher frequency energies that are enveloping us at this time.

The Alchemy of the Heart is a convergence of Celestial and Earthly energies within the heart center, birthing a remarkable alchemical transformation. In this process, the heart center serves as a transducer, capable of transmuting these potent energies into a new form that our bodies can more readily assimilate.

The high frequency celestial energies merge with the grounding forces of Earth, the heart becomes a crucible where this powerful synthesis takes place. Through this alchemical process, a new energy emerges, harmonizing the celestial and earthly aspects within us. This refined energy brings forth a profound transformation, enabling our bodies to integrate the higher frequencies with grace and ease.

Practicing this Alchemy of the Heart helps us to navigate these energetic shifts with greater resilience and alignment. It empowers us to embrace the transformative energies that surround us and catalyze our personal evolution. As we consciously attune to this alchemical power within our heart center, we awaken to the infinite possibilities of our multidimensional being, embracing the harmonious integration of Celestial and Earthly energies in our journey of expansion and ascension.

Guided by former Universal Recording Artist turned sound healer, Ben Carroll


(Interested in lifetime replays and access to every single sound healing experience?? Check out the Sacred Sound Inner Circle and Receive 50% Off of your first month!)


What People Are Saying:

This is by far one of the most profound and amazing experiences I have ever had! There are no words to describe my gratitude or the unbelievable other worldly experience I had tonight! Thank you so much for your light and your gifts! The vibrations reverberated throughout the entire universe! Of that I am sure! At the same time it hit every cell and space in my being, physical and energetic, and brought me on a quest I didn’t know I needed to take! With everlasting appreciation and amazement, thank you Ben!!

Jane M.

Ben Carroll isn’t just another sound healer- he creates an exceptional experience with sound. Ben’s talents for working with sound and vibration include using his astounding voice, adding a multi-dimensional, other-worldly layer to the tones of his work. I felt lifted up into other realms that I can only describe as angelic, and cosmic.

Lisa A.

I have been to a lot of sound healings and have always found the benefits truly amazing and physically visceral. My most recent sound healing was with Ben. Writing this is honestly hard because I am truly speechless. It was by far the most amazing and unique experiences I have ever had. Ben Carroll is truly in his purpose as his singing penetrates your soul. It brings you to a different state of consciousness that is beyond this earthly realm we call home. I will definitely be seeking out his healings in the future.

Shannon F.